Istanbul, Türkiye
Güzelce Marina
About the Project
Güzelce Marina, opened in 2008 and operated by Motoryat Turizm Ltd. Şti., offers a mooring capacity for 250 yachts up to 60 meters in length. The marina provides a secure environment for maintenance and repair work, welcoming yachting enthusiasts. TRASSIR, in collaboration with Official Distributor of TRASSIR Turkiye LION TECHNOLOGY DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş. and its partner ARENA BİLGİSAYAR SANAYİ VE TİCARET ANONİM ŞİRKETİ, undertook a project to enhance the marina's security infrastructure.
Video Surveillance in the Field
The primary goal was to upgrade the video surveillance system with a modern, flexible solution capable of running video analytics modules to streamline security processes.
Project Objectives
• Ensure the safety of the marina’s premises, yacht owners, and their belongings;
• Create a comprehensive deep archive for evidence storage to aid in investigating any disputes;
• Enhance perimeter security and automate security processes;
• Improve operational efficiency and service quality.
Project Solution
• 16-channel Neuro Station;
• 16-channel AnyIP;
• 7 DEWARP licenses
Project Results
The installation of TRASSIR solutions has successfully enhanced security operations, providing 24/7 perimeter protection. The system detects critical events and generates alarms, automating security processes and reducing costs. The project achieved its objectives of ensuring safety, improving service, and boosting staff efficiency, leaving the client highly satisfied with the outcome.
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