TRASSIR CMS Administrator's Guide

TRASSIR Central Management System or TRASSIR CMS is a functional system, designed for centralized monitoring and managing large-scale distributed TRASSIR video surveillance system through a unified web-interface.

TRASSIR CMS allows monitoring operation of servers, cameras and other video surveillance system components in real time. It also allows customizing ang receiving alarm event notifications and reports on system performance.

TRASSIR CMS can be implemented for building up a single user database, assigning user access rights to any device, connected to the system.

TRASSIR CMS lets automatically create backup copies of settings and license files to be used for recovery.

TRASSIR CMS can perform a centralized update of all connected to the system devices.

Read more on TRASSIR CMS configuring and using in this TRASSIR CMS Administrator's Guide.

Type Codes

Information blocks used in the document:


Warning about the features of the function, requiring mandatory reading and/or execution.


Important information, which should be noted when working with the described function.


Note to the text, which is indicative and/or recommendatory.

See also

References to other sections of the documentation related to the section described.