
In order to execute a function at the desired time, you must bind it to a system event:

  • Activation based on object state:

    cam1 = object("Camera 1")
    def f():
        message("Motion: %s" % cam1.state["motion"])
  • Activation based on changed settings:

    h = settings("health")
    def f():
        message("Database health: %s" % h["db_connected"])
  • Activation based on keypresses:

    def f():
        message("Hello world!")
    activate_on_shortcut("F9", f) 

    Only keys F1-F12 and modifiers Ctrl, Alt, and Shift are available for scripts and rules. Joystick buttons also work. Open the rule editor to see the names of keys.

  • Activation from the context menu:

    def func1(guid):
    def func2(guid):
    action1 = activate_on_context_menu("xeLzkjpd", "Perform function 1", func1)
    action2 = activate_on_context_menu("Channel", "Perform function 2", func2) 

    Herewith Perform function 2 item will appear in context menus called on each device of "Channel" class, and Perform function 1 item - only on one device with GUID "xeLzkjpd".

  • Activation based on an event in the log:

    def f(ev):
        message("Event %s" % ev.type)
    activate_on_events("", "", f) 

    Note that the function must have a parameter to pass in the event. For more information, see the 2_event example. The button to load examples is located below the code editor.

  • Activation based on a timeout:

    Sometimes a script needs a delay. The function time.sleep() is not appropriate, because causes the program to hang for the specified time. To wait, use timeout(). The indicated function will be called after the specified time:

    def f():
        alert("2 seconds have passed!")
        timeout(3000, g)
    def g():
        alert("And another 3!")
        timeout(1000, lambda: h(1,2,3))
    def h(param1, param2, param3):
        alert("To continue running after the delay, I need the " +
            "parameters %i, %i, %i" % (param1, param2, param3))
    timeout(2000, f) 
  • Activation based on an AutoTRASSIR event:

    def f(ev):
        message("Vehicle with license plate number %s passed" % ev.plate)
  • Activation based on an ActivePOS event:

    def f(ev):
        if ev.type=="POS_POSITION_ADD":
            message("%s added to receipt" % ev.text)
  • Activation on the event of ArUco Detector:

    def f(ev):
        for detection in ev.detections:
            message("The following marker has been detected: %s" % detection.decoded_value)

To find out what other fields an event holds, it use dir()

def f(ev):
	alert( dir(ev) )