Slow Down Detector

Slow Down Detector helps to detect the objects of different sizes left in the camera's field of sight. It can instantly detect unattended and forgotten objects that pose a potential threat to the object of video surveillance.

There are Simple and Advanced abandoned objects detectors built-in to TRASSIR 4. Depending on the detector, their functionality and settings procedure vary:

Common slow down detector:

  • detects objects of a certain size;
  • uses the entire filming area for analysis;
  • helps determine the ignore zone;
  • does not require a separate license.

Advanced slow down detector:

  • detects objects of various sizes;
  • uses specified filming areas for analysis;
  • has advanced detection settings;
  • uses 2 detection algorithms;
  • works by schedule;
  • is licensed per channel.


Setup procedure of each detector is described in their relevant sections: