ActivePOS operates both with full scale trading-POS systems as well as with separate devices:
- POS systems:
- Cashier workplace Artix:POS (
- Frontol software (
- R-Keeper(
- dStore POS of MICROS company (
- SuperMag UKM 4 cash desk system (
- IBS GAS software package
- Set Retail cash program (
- MARKET SOFTWARE + from Soft Market company
- POS-2000 computer cash desk
- Weighting equipment:
- SKI-12 weight indicator
- CAS CI-200A weight indicator
- CAS-CL5000J sticker printing POS-scales
- CAS-DBII(E), CAS-CI2001A floor scales
- Counting machines and sorters:
- Numeron and BPS banknote sorters
- Glory GFR-220, USF100 and USF 51 banknote counters
- Glory (Talaris) MACH-6 coin sorter
- Kisan Newton-FS, Newton-VS, Newton-F(v3.22) and K-500Pro banknote counters and sorters
- Laurel K4 and Laurel K8 banknote sorters
- Perconta Sortovit MS10 DB coin sorter
- Magner 150 Digital and Magner 350 Digital banknote sorters
- DoCash DC-50V and DoCash DC-50F banknote counters
Additionally, the ActivePOS module can receive events using TCP or UDP from any other system, provided that the events adhere to the DSSL XML format.
In order to configure the transmission of events from point-of-sale terminals, you must specify the TRASSIR server's IP address, port number, and protocol in the retail system's software. Please see the point-of-sale vendor's software documentation for information on how to configure each of the supported retail systems.