
An archive is a repository of recorded video data that can be constructed on one or more disks. The number and capacity of disks required to set up an archive depends on the archive depth that must be provided.

As an archive is recorded, the data is divided equally across all available disks. Once the disks are full, the data is overwritten automatically. The archive is deleted from the end, e.g. the oldest recordings are deleted first.

There are a number of particulars of working with a TRASSIR archive that must be taken into account when building a video surveillance system, namely:

  • TRASSIR can work without an archive. In this case, video can only be viewed in real time; it is not saved to disk.
  • TRASSIR cannot use a system partition for archive recording.
  • Hard disks must have a capacity of at least 10 GB for archive recording. If the system has smaller-capacity disks, they cannot be used for archive recording. Such disks will be labeled as "Not suitable" in the Statistics field. Disks that already contain archive data are an exception. These disks will be available for reading only.

Writing always takes precedence when accessing an archive, i.e. TRASSIR will always try to use the available resources to write data. Moreover, the following rules apply:

  • If there are simultaneous attempts to read and write to an archive and the system lacks the required resources, then the system will only write data (reading is stopped).
  • If insufficient system resources are subsequently observed, the system will use 500 MB of memory as a video write buffer. If the buffer is consumed and there are still insufficient resources, then TRASSIR will issue an error message and part of the archive data will not be recorded.